Grade Five examines decimals

Grade five students spent time this week learning about decimals, and how to use them. Then we looked at data from the if the World Were a Village and identified the fractions and decimals contained within it. We examined the data and did graphing as well.

Grade 5 buddies up with K3

Grade five students had some play and sharing time with their buddies in K3. It was a great chance for them to revisit the old playground and have some fun together. They were very supportive of their buddies and played chase, climbed around, and generally laughed...

Grade 5s Investigate Human Rights

In grade 5 our unit of inquiry revolves around the issue of human rights. So as part of our inquiry students read an article about human rights, and practiced at the same time the skill of identifying main ideas and details in writing. They also practiced the skill of...

Grade 5 thinks about Human Rights

Grade 5 students have been inquiring into Human Rights, and thinking about what they know and what they want to learn more about. We looked at some examples of countries developing human rights, and started asking questions about what we want to know more about.