by Meghan KENNEY | Apr 25, 2019 | Grade 5
Last week, grade fives had a visit from the grade nine global perspectives class. The grade nines were doing a project about culture and identity, and it was great for the grade five students to see an example of a presentation from the older students. They asked...
by Meghan KENNEY | Apr 11, 2019 | Grade 5
In grade five we have been studying about space, and part of the investigation was discovering just how far away the planets are. To do this we looked into creating scale models of both the relative sizes of the planets and the relative distances. Students gained an...
by Meghan KENNEY | Mar 21, 2019 | Grade 5
The idea behind risk-taking is this idea of facing your fears and challenging yourself to do things that may be uncomfortable. For many fifth grade students in the global section, learning to swim is something new for them. It is great to see their enthusiasm as they...
by Meghan KENNEY | Mar 7, 2019 | Grade 5
Grade five students have been busy this week, creating their final poetry projects, as well as starting their unit about space. This includes the creation of one pagers about the book Love That Dog, which are colorful and graphic demonstrations about their...
by Meghan KENNEY | Feb 21, 2019 | Grade 4, Grade 5
Students have been learning about the art of Scientific sketching, and how it combines the skills of close observation with the skill of drawing and describing. Students were initially given a leaf to study closely, and draw and note a detailed sketch. Afterward they...