Ms. Jo Secondary Student Council

A highlight for me in the past week was, of course, the International Food Festival. I cannot write about this without mentioning our ABIS Secondary Student Council who initially approached Mr Dominic with hopes of reinstating the event this year. What a spectacle of...

8A Advisory

This week we have been gearing up for Oman Week activities and trips. Some of G8 are going to be on the residential trip next week, learning how to sail. We are really looking forward to this opportunity to learn a new skill, spend time with our friends and make...

8A Advisory

This morning the students presented their Racism Awareness slides to 8B and worked together to improve the slides. I was impressed by the way the students have made them age appropriate for Primary and Secondary students. As I wondered through the campus in this...

8A Advisory Class

8A have been on a mission to create Racism Awareness presentations to show the whole school. Here we see, once again, fantastic team work, collaboration and self-management skills in action. I have so much respect for my grade 8 students- I ask them to do something...