by Inayath MOHAMED | May 25, 2017 | Grade 5
This week’s math involved a lot of planes. Paper planes that is. The children experimented with a number of designs by changing the size of the wingspan (the variable) to see which plane would go the furthest. They then had a competition and compared the...
by Inayath MOHAMED | May 18, 2017 | Grade 5
Fidget Spinners are very topical these days. They managed to creep in to our writing this week as a topic of discussion writing. The children had strong opinions on both sides of the divide. In math we continued working on length as a form of measurement by making...
by Inayath MOHAMED | May 11, 2017 | Grade 5
We concluded our work on volume and capacity by making milkshake. The children thoroughly enjoyed making it. We will continue with measurement next week by working on length as a unit of measure. In writing we will continue with discussion writing. We began our new...
by Inayath MOHAMED | May 4, 2017 | Grade 5
This week the class worked on an engaging and challenging math task involving volume and capacity. They were asked to investigate how much drinking water is consumed in LC1 in an year and were also tasked with calculating the cost of the water. At the end of the week...
by Inayath MOHAMED | Apr 26, 2017 | Grade 5
Each Tuesday the grade fives spend a period with their buddies in Ms. Christina’s class. This Tuesday we helped them make costumes and props in preparation for the play they will present at assembly next week. In class this week we continued with our work on...