Division Time!

The Grade 4 students began exploring division this week. We reviewed terms associated with division, like dividend, divisor and quotient and discussed how there are many different ways to do division. We focused on the Big 7 method.

SQ3R Method in Grade 4

SQ3R is an acronym for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review and is an excellent way to get the Grade 4’s to get more out of the non-fiction books that we read. We will use SQ3R extensively in the second semester.

Mad Libs in Grade 4

Who knew that reviewing parts of speech could be such fun! The grade 4 students wrote down their own choices of nouns, verbs and adjectives, which they included in a silly Mad Lib Science Fair themed story. A Mad Lib is a word game involving word substitutions.

Narrative Writing in Grade 4

This week, the Grade 4 students worked on a creative writing piece. They started with a “See Think Wonder” about the carrot picture for inspiration, and then planned and wrote their stories. There was also a mini lesson on punctuating dialogue to help students with...

Grade 4 Science Fair Prep

The students have been finalizing ideas for Science Fair experiments with a focus on independent variables. Topics include dissolving skittles in different temperatures, testing varying amounts of baking soda in vinegar to see how much gas is produced, and comparing...