Week One

This week really went by fast! The Grade 5 students were excited to meet friends old and new, and we even had our first STEAM activity with Grade 4. I also added some pics from one of our writing sessions…

Grade 4 Math

This week the students worked on questions covering a broad range of math topics to discover what concepts they are confident with and which require more review over the final weeks of school.

Number Talks

Number talks are a fantastic way to get students thinking about mathematics and how they solve problems. How did you get to the number seven?

Reader’s Theater

This week, grade 4 students have been learning to use their voices to portray sad, scary, excited, bored and angry. It has not been easy to both read fluently and portray an emotion via reader’s theater scripts like The Lion and the Mouse.

Follow Up Activities

After guided reading sessions, students ate assigned follow up activities related to the books they have read. Below are pictures of presentations related to these activities.