Pale Blue Dot

140+ (Image Source: NASA) G5 students have been researching a lot about space: space probes, space telescopes, rovers, landing projects, our solar system, our galaxy, and so on. I’m always amazed that whenever I plan a unit based on space or space-related topics...

Looking Back to Move Forward

100+ Running (like learning) is a step at a time. I’ll begin each post with numbers showing my cumulative distance this year. On one of my runs, I was struck with a wave of nostalgia about what I was doing a decade ago. I was teaching at an elementary/junior...

New Year = New Goals

Personally, I’m challenging myself to walk, run, hike, backpack, etc. for 2,000 kilometers this year. I’m on the right track having logged more than 50 km already but it’s a long road ahead. I’ll be out and about here, there, and everywhere...

All the Best; Always

At this time of the school year, I gauge the success of my approach to teaching and community building on a few criteria. Do students view me as an impediment to their learning? This seems counterintuitive since I’m a teacher. However, bear with my thinking for...

Greetings and Salutations

On the top of Sandstone Peak in Malibu, CA, USA with Luna and Chie in the foreground and the Pacific Ocean in the background Greetings from your new G5 homeroom teacher Andrew Wetzel 🙂 I’m here with my wife, Chie, a Japanese citizen, and our daughter, Luna, a...