Round II Week 4: 2+ 2 = 5

Greeting Math Maestros- Another great week has come and gone.  This week some of us practiced our skills comparing 3- digit numbers and others practiced their skills with subitizing- where our brains see how many objects are in a set instantly.

Week 20: Ahoy Matyes

Welcome Aboard This week we were honored to have Captain Ahmed Hamby visit our class to teach us about chart navigation, seamanship lingo, and a few important knots to know on board a ship.  The kids were at full attention and enjoyed all he shared.  As his time came...

ASA: 2+2=5

In hopes of sharing our love of math, the ASA 2+2=5 has been launched for the second time.  In this after-school activity, students have thad he opportunity to further their practice and inquiries.  We pull out manipulatives, play games, line ourselves up using a...

Welcome to Our Morning Meeting

Highlights of the Week Kids were excited to share with you how their morning meetings are run.  The assembly went well and all students are improving with their presentation skills. Our UOI continues as we begin to post and organize important dates on our timeline. ...