Week 6: 2+2=5

Greetings Mathmaniacs- This week in 2+2=5, students continued practicing math fact games to build automaticity. The younger group played Addition War with cards, the middle group worked on Fill in the Addend, and the older students focused on shapes.

Recycling at ABIS

This week, the G4 AAL students continued their learning journey about the ABIS recycling process and its various steps. The students collected recyclables from the designated recycling stations and transported them to the “Big Dog” for further processing. A truck had...

Week 5: 2 + 2 = 5

Greetings one and all- Another  week has passed us by with much learning with fun and games.  In 2+2=5 Ms. Sri is introducing to the younger students  a   game called BUMP.  They get to practice their fast facts AND their spelling of high frequency words.  The middle...