Height, Distance, Valleys, Hills, Transfer, and Sound

What do all these have in common? Ask an ICS 4th grader.  Besides our wonderful rollercoaster activities, we have also been doing other activities that integrate all our subjects.  We play “BUMP” and we make books.  We are having a great time and there is...

So MUCH in one week!

Looking at the kid’s FMJs, I can tell the kids had fun this week.  A lot of learning has happened and the kids are excited about it.  We have started a new unit as well as begin learning new things in math.  Please ask your students about it. It helps when they...

Outstanding Oman Week

If you haven’t heard yet, we have been celebrating Oman Week.  And boy what a week it has been!  We started off at the Liwa beach, seeing and learning about mural art and of course collecting shells.  The next day we began our preparations for our visitors. ...

Student-Led Conferences: A HUGE SUCCESS

Thank you for coming out and supporting your student in celebrating their learning success.  Word on the street tells me, the students enjoyed themselves and were very proud and happy to share their work with you.  They worked hard to prepare and are now almost...