by Amy NORMAN | Jun 2, 2022 | Grade 4
If it’s not obvious, the kids have been super busy with their final assessment for the unit. Part of it was their performance. We hope you liked it and will make some personal changes in your life to help our planet. Maybe you can begin carrying a cloth bag to...
by Amy NORMAN | May 26, 2022 | The Grades
Today kids had a wonderful surprise visit from Mr. Dominic. He came with good news which excited the kids. We are in our “Taking Action” part of the inquiry cycle and decided to write letters in hopes of supporting sustainability. Please ask your...
by Amy NORMAN | May 12, 2022 | Grade 4
Read those FMJ’s to find out what your student has been busy doing this week. As for today, we learned about heat energy, made spinners, and danced our way into the weekend.
by Amy NORMAN | Apr 28, 2022 | Grade 4
If you are reading your student’s FMJ, you will know they had a great week with tons of learning thrown in. Today wasn’t any different. As we study energy, we look at various forms. For the past few weeks both ICS and GS have been looking at sound...
by Amy NORMAN | Apr 21, 2022 | Grade 4, The Grades
While we are 4ICS is focusing on Energy Transference, we are also looking at sound and how it travels. Last week, we made telephones and discovered that sound is an energy because it moves. We felt the vibrations in our throats and felt the small movements back and...