Go For the Golden Ring

Another busy week friends.  While we did have WIDA testing, we still learned and accomplished plenty. We continued our investigation of place value by practicing with a rounding game. We learned and applied the key concept of “connection”  to ourselves and...

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

Another exciting week folks! We have begun our UOI by looking at traits and learning how to state actions and behaviors that support the trait. We also began exploring and applying our knowledge about the Concept keys- FORM and FUNCTION. We are having fun trying to...

Everybody’s Working For the Weekend

Greetings- Once again we have had a very busy week.  I would first like to thank all the parents who came out for Parent Night.  It was a pleasure meeting ya’ll and I look forward to working with you.  Second, swimming starts next week.  Please refer to the...

Welcome Back!

Whew! What a whirl wind week it has been.  We have played games, completed fun introductory activities, had challenges, and gotten to know each other.  I can already tell it’s going to be a GREAT year! Your students will be coming home with their FMJ’s-...


Thanks to all the kids, parents, and staff- this truly has been my best year ever!  I wish everyone well.  Happy trails!