Hold Your Horses

Welcome, 2023!  I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break and is ready to hit the ground running in 2023.  While we are slowly ramping it up and getting back into the swing of things, we have many exciting learning activities on the horizon.   One of which is to...

A Whirl Wind Week

It went by fast and will go by even faster next week.  Kids are having a great time and making memories. They rocked it at the winter concert. Their proud, smiling faces on stage brought me to tears.  They all fought hard yesterday during Sports Day.  Please...

If you Snooze, You Loose!

Another great week!  Please read your student’s FMJ for the details, however I will share with you that students are doing a wonderful job at building a “thinking classroom”.  To begin this journey we have begun mixing up the way math is presented. ...

Flying by the Seat of our Pants

For the first week back after a break, we got A LOT done.  Please read your student’s FMJ for the run down and ask them questions.  An extra bonus was learning some American Sign Language, having the assembly, and having our new PYPC stop in the classroom to get...