IMPORTANT! All main bags for the Muscat Trip must be brought to school on Sunday. (This will be the bag with their clothes for Tuesday & Wednesday, nightwear and toiletries) This allows the custodians to load the bags onto the buses for us before 8am.

We are looking forward to our Muscat trip next week. Please look again at the information brochure HERE to find all you need to know INCLUDING a packing list for students! As a reminder, students NEED to bring a snack and lunch, water bottle & hat in a LIGHT day bag for Monday 10th February. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We will keep you updated via Seesaw messages and will share a folder where we will be uploading all of our trip photos for you to view and keep an eye on what we are up to.

Upcoming Dates

  • Sunday 9th February – Students can wear Omani national clothes for the beginning of Omani Week (NO PE or Boys Swimming on this day!)
  • Monday 10th – Wednesday 12th February – Grade 5 Muscat Trip 
  • Thursday 20th February – ABIS International Food Festival

HERE is the overview for our Sharing The Planet unit of inquiry. On the 2nd page you will find our focus for reading, writing and maths. 

This week, students dove into our new unit of inquiry, Sharing the Planet, focussing on sustainable biodiversity relies on maintaining the balance within ecosystems. We started by asking students to draw a healthy and unhealthy (good and bad) habitat, seeing what prior knowledge they already have. Students also read Uno’s Garden by Graeme Base and completed a See, Think, Wonder focussing on what the issues were and what questions or wonderings did it make them think about, especially relating to protecting the environment. In literacy we found out students’ prior knowledge about poems/poetry and explored what poems they already know as well as features of poems. During Maths, we did a ‘show what you know’ to kick off our shapes and space unit. Students started to delve into the vocabulary around these concepts such as circumference, radius, diameter, parallelograms, properties, scale, faces, perpendicular, and more! We focussed on quadrilaterals. 

Please find the link to this week’s photos: HERE

Looking Forward:

Next week will be a busy week as we spend 3 days out of the classroom and exploring Muscat! When we are in school, there will be some Oman Week activities for students to participate in. In UOI we will focus on the concepts and delve into the vocabulary. In Maths we will continue looking at different properties of shapes. Literacy, we will look at different types of poems and learn about the different techniques within the poems. 

Kind regards, Grade 5 Team!