Dear Primary Families,

I often use this time of the week to reflect on the past five days. However, today, I’d like to take the opportunity to look ahead to next week, which we hope will be both fun and exciting for everyone.

Last year’s Oman Week was unfortunately disrupted by unexpected heavy rains. As I write, the skies are clear, and I very much hope they stay that way throughout next week!

Oman Week 2025

Your child’s teacher will have shared details about the upcoming trips and events taking place throughout the week. Most grade levels will participate in at least one trip next week, while others may be going the following week or have recently completed their trips. Some grades will even enjoy multiple outings. Please make sure to check which days your child will be off campus, as each trip may have specific requirements.

Oman Week is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate Omani culture and heritage while visiting places of interest. These experiences help us better understand the country we live in—whether Oman is our home or, like me, a place we are privileged to experience as guests.

Some of the exciting on-campus activities include:

A visit from camels (my favorite event!)
Traditional crafts workshops
An Omani cooking experience
A guest speaker
Special stories in the library
A henna station
A visit from a special author

Each grade level will participate in some or all of these activities, depending on their schedules.

In addition to the on-site events, Grades 4 and 5 will be heading off for their overnight trips—Grade 4 to Mussanah and Grade 5 to Muscat. These trips provide an excellent opportunity for students to develop key Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills and demonstrate a range of Learner Profile attributes.

The week will begin with a whole-school assembly, and students are invited to wear their traditional Omani clothing on Sunday (except for Grades 2 and 4, who should wear regular clothing as they have trips that day). The week will conclude with a special celebration assembly on Thursday.

We are excited for the week ahead and, as mentioned earlier, hope the rains stay away!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Best regards,

Primary Team Lead


  • Sunday, February 9 – Thursday, February 13: Oman Week
  • Thursday, February 20: KG1-G2 Assembly (12:20 – 1:00 pm)
  • Thursday, February 20: International Night (4:00–7:30 pm)
  • Monday, February 24: Teachers’ Day (No school)
  • Wednesday, February 26: Grade 6 PYPX (Further details to follow)