Everyone is getting really excited about the Muscat Trip. Thank you to those who have made the payment and a reminder that if you have not yet, this is now due.
Reports have been issued today. If you have any concerns or anything you would like to discuss, please sign up for the Parent Teacher conferences next week.
Before the winter holidays, our Grade 10 Arabic students spoke at an assembly and asked primary students to make donations of stationary items to donate to Dar Al Wafa Centre to help support students with additional su[port needs who can’t easily access these supplies. Please consider donating some items such as:
- pencils/coloured pencils
- Pens
- Educational games or toys
- Plastic rulers
- Notebooks
- Packs of A4 paper
- Highlighters
- Crayons
- Playdough
Please make sure they are in good condition and these can be brought to school anytime during NEXT WEEK please. Thank you in advance for your support with this great initiative.
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday 27 January – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 – 6:30pm. Sign up HERE
- Tuesday 28 January – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 – 6:30pm. Sign up HERE
- Thursday 30 January – Public Holiday
- Monday 10th – Wednesday 12th February – Grade 5 Muscat Trip
In UOI students have focused on their personal inquiries, finding resources that help them to answer their questions that they created. Students had the choice between a few different graphic organisers to write down key words that would help them to create their summary in their own words. In Literacy, it was write, write, write as students drafted out their plan for their science fiction stories using a story mountain planner, they then crafted three different possible hooks to engage their readers before they wrote their first drafts of their stories by hand. Some students are still writing their first drafts while others started typing them up on Google Docs to make the revise and edit process easier. In maths we did some multiplication and division practice to refresh our memories after the break, and students learned about numbers squared and square roots.
Please find more photos from our week here.
Looking forward to next week, students will be focusing on their research and working on their personal space inquiries. We will be looking at ways to organise our understanding of our inquiry using a range of graphic organisers and making sure we can answer the inquiry questions that were created. Science fiction stories’ final drafts will be getting published and ready to share, and in maths we will be looking at the difference between prime and composite numbers and working on some multiplication and division word problems.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Grade 5 Team!