As you know, one of the main ways that you can check on the work and progress of your student is to view their website. Students are actively updating the site throughout the year with their significant work and reflections about them. This is a great way to learn about what your student is doing, and to have a discussion with them about their work.
This year, the websites were down for a little while as they were remapped to new address, however we have put a redirect in place so that the website address that you currently have should still work. Your login information has remained the same.

If you have trouble remembering the password that you used, please just go to the login page and follow the instructions at the bottom under “Lost Your Password?”

If you have trouble remembering your username or have misplaced the address, please email me at and let me know. As well, If you are unable to get your student’s webpage to load, please let me know.

Thanks so much,
Meghan Kenney