Greeting Friends and Family-

Thanks to all those who came to celebrate your student’s learning journey with us this afternoon.  Once again, the kids were fabulous and they performed strong.  I hope you enjoyed learning about what we have been learning about.

As I stated early, the weeks are beginning to fly by. We busied ourselves with End of Year assessments and other learning activities.  Our week at a glance:

UOI: Began using an OREO-A template to help us get started with a persuasive writing activity.  If you do not know OREO-A means, opinion, reasons, explanation, restate opinion- then ACTION.  

Math: Continued our investigation into fractions and took a numeracy assessment.

Thank you to those parents who are sending healthy lunches with reusable water bottles.  Kids are doing a great job in helping ABIS become more sustainable.  We would love your support. As the kids encouraged you today,  #ABIS TEAM Make this Planet clean and green.