With many thanks to SOHAR Port and Freezone and C. Steinweg Oman LLC, Grade 5 students had the opportunity to find out just how important Sohar Port is when it comes to shipping in Oman. This was an amazing experience for everyone as we learned about how cargo is moved around all over the world. We also got an insight into what a well managed operation a working port is and I think everyone was amazed at how big some of these shipping vessels really are. We were also very grateful and excited to receive gifts and a wonderful snack break that made everyone feel very happy! We also found out that there is an onsite, custom training facility for anyone interested in a career at Sohar Port.

In Unit of Inquiry students had a chance to role play being Banana Farmers this week, it was shocking to learn how much money the banana farmers actually make! We learned more about how Fairtrade helps the farmers to get a fairer price for their produce. In Language, food essays were completed this week after much research, peer feedback, revising, and editing. In maths we were looking at the strategies needed to work with equivalent fractions.

With only 5 weeks of the school year left, the rise in temperatures, and all the things that need to be done, everyone may be feeling a little stressed. Please be kind to yourselves and each other. Let’s make the end of a very successful year a happy one for everyone!