We didn’t wait very long after the Omani Dance Assembly in the Primary School – we are already hard at work for the June 10 Broadway extravaganza. Students are learning songs and dances with both Miss Camp and myself, and primary classes will be starting to work together in the coming weeks to “get it right.”
The Secondary students are planning to present some of their original works for a Primary Assembly June 4 and the school is looking forward to this. Two groups are also preparing to enter a competition for their choreography in Muscat; as this involves nearly all of grade nine (and a couple of students from other classes), the class will be going there on June 17. The June 10 Broadway show is also well underway with students madly practicing box steps, hat flourishes, turns and working on entrances and exits for the dances, particularly the ones that combine the entire school.
Uploading videos continues to be difficult, but I have been sending to students links of successfully uploaded rehearsals (and to teachers of children grade four and below) so their work should be appearing on their websites. Please have a look!
We remain frenetically busy and will be so until the end of the year!