We began our week with a trip to the corniche and fish market. We took a look at the boulder bank surrounding the area and the quality of the water. We were most disappointed to find so much plastic and rubbish floating in the ocean. The fish market was smelly but fun!
To help us learn about different stages of the WATER CYCLE and the vocabulary associated with this, we conducted experiments to find out what happens to water in a balloon when you put it in the freezer then then put it in the sun the next day.
We also looked at how condensation forms.
Mr Lopez showed us how the wave machine works in the science lab.
For Language we have been learning how to writing persuasive expository texts. You will receive one of these from your child next week. I hope you enjoy reading them!
In Math we are learning about patterning and ordinal numbers. We are learning to find the “nth” number. Examples of this can be found on the children’s websites.