I was absolutely delighted by the performance of Secondary students at the recent relay event at TAISM on Monday night. As ever, our students swam with guts and determination and were very successful – especially because we are competing against a number of much larger, more established schools, some of which have daily training sessions, use professional touch technology, and employ professional coaches! Though it’s not really about the final result here – but the determination and team spirit – that are important, you may like to know that we won three first places and had a few seconds and thirds. Well done to the secondary students for being great ambassadors to the school, and thank you to ‘Coach Carberry’ for inspiring and training them.
We’ve already completed 7 weeks of the school year and will soon be issuing our mid-semester progress reports. The report is a brief ‘snapshot’ of how students have started the year and highlights any areas that they need to address. It provides the foundation for the parents evening (Three Way Conference) on November 12 – a date for your diary.
The Secondary team of teachers spent time this Thursday afternoon looking at brain research (Educational Neuroscience) that relates to education and student learning. Should you have the time and be interested, visit this website:
It shares incredibly interesting and up-to-date findings with lots of multimedia links. It also blows away a few myths so I wish I knew this stuff years ago!
Have a lovely extended weekend.