In Grade Three we have been making and testing our own inventions. Check them out. Would you like one of these?
Muznah made a scented candle using an orange.
Jules made a new system so you wouldn’t have to use your hands to lift the seat lid of the toilet. A great invention to take camping!
Amara made a “snack belt.” This way when you go out to play you don’t have to return to the house to get food!
Jayden made a car that moves using air expelled from a balloon.
Connor invented a new desert using pastry, caramel, chocolate, cream, lollies and grated flake. It was delicious!
David made a fan that used a crank handle.
Mohammed made a small house that can be used to store books, homework and pencils. We decided that mums would love this invention!
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Sultan made an "easy to use" pair of chopsticks and a storage case for your extra plastic bags.
Joury made a “shirt folder” to make folding washing quicker!
Ivander showed us how to use tinfoil to make a torch go if you were short of a battery – you need two batteries and some tinfoil.