Students in grade 3 have been very busy. In maths we have developed a good understanding of multiplication as repeated addition. Students can say their 5 x table with confidence.

Hamid learning that multiplication is repeated addition.

In English we had a walk to the ABIS Omani garden to take photographs. Back in class the students thought of good adjectives to describe their photo eg a thorny leaf or a beautiful flower.

Students took photos as inspiration for writing.
Sara taking a photo in the garden.

As part of our UOI on ancient civilizations student are learning about the Ancient Greeks. The vases show popular myths and everyday life. Grade 3 are designing their own vases using their knowledge of patterns and the Greek myths.

A design by Shikha
A design by Ayyoub.

To get ready for next weeks Oman week the student have been in training. Have a great weekend.