Dear Parents,

There are some important events coming up at ABIS.  Please make note of the following:

November 12:

Progress reports will be shared via Managebac. You must log in to Managebac to access the reports. Please refer to the instructions in the email that you received from Mr. Atul last week.  If you encounter any difficulties, please email Mr. Atul:

If your child is learning online, please pick up new learning materials for use at home this week.  Materials will be available at the gate from 2-4pm on Thursday, November 12.  All Primary students will have materials to pick up, and Secondary families will be informed if the pick up is necessary.

November 16 & 17:

Please also make note that Student Parent Teacher 3 Way Conferences will be held across Primary and Secondary next week.  They will occur next week on Monday, Nov. 16 and Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 1:30 – 5:30pm both days.  There will be no classes for students those afternoons.  Buses will pick students up from ABIS at the 12:40pm dismissal time.  All other students must be picked up at 12:40pm on those days.

You can book appointments using this link –  Three Way Conference Sign Up Folders

Please read the information at the bottom of this Newsflash, explaining the procedures for booking and attending these important meetings.

November 18 & 19:

National Holiday: Oman National Day:  There will be no school on Wednesday, November 18 & Thursday, November 19.  Enjoy your long weekend!

Three Way Conferences at ABIS next week: Monday, Nov. 16 and Tuesday, Nov. 17

This Thursday you will receive the November Progress report for your child/children.

Primary and Secondary Three-Way Conferences are scheduled for 1:30 – 5:30pm on Monday, November 16 and Tuesday, November 17

During the three-way conference, parents are encouraged to talk to their child, ask questions and offer praise. It is also a time to discuss personal goals for the students and ways to support them at school and at home.

Note: there will be no school for students these afternoons due to the Three-Way Conferences.  Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at the regular lunch dismissal time of 12:40pm for Primary students and 12:50pm for Secondary students.  Buses will depart the school at 1:00pm.

You will receive a sign-up link from your child’s homeroom or Advisory teacher which will give you access to all teachers’ sign-up forms.  

Primary Homeroom meetings will run for 15 minutes (slots are scheduled for 20 mins, this allows for teachers to have break time to prepare for their next conference.) Please sign up with the Homeroom teacher that wrote your child’s progress report. 

Secondary and Specialist meetings will run for 10 minutes. Please be on time for your meeting as teachers have many parents to meet with over the two days. Should you be late or miss the meeting a new one will need to be scheduled at a later date. 

Please select an available time on the teacher sign-up form and fill in your name to meet your children’s teachers. Once teachers have their sign-up forms filled by parents, they will send each parent an individual meeting link for the time selected by the parent. 

The three-way conference is a time for you and your child to sit with the teacher and discuss the progress report.  Students, parents and teachers should be present for this important conversation.

Should you wish to talk to the teacher without your child present, please arrange a different time with the teacher. 

You can book appointments using this link –  Three Way Conference Sign Up Folders

If you have any questions, please email your child’s class teacher/advisor.