It has been a week of visits and inspections for the Secondary School with a sudden visit from an IGCSE  examination inspector and a scheduled visit by an IB Verification Team. The IB Verification Team were in school on Sunday and Monday and led a very thorough investigation of the school and the preparations that have been put in place for the Diploma. The Verification team will now file a report with IB head office, which will be decisive in whether we will be permitted to offer the Diploma. Given the late stage in the year we have asked them to communicate this decision as soon as possible. It is important to state that we cannot officially announce that we have been authorised until it actually happens. The visit was a positive and constructive process so we hope that we will be given a green light to begin the programme on September 1st of this year. Fingers  and toes crossed.

One immediate  and welcome piece of feedback on the school’s progress came during today’s unannounced inspection of our facilities and IGCSE examinations. The inspector was very impressed and we were awarded a very rare ‘excellent’ on the report with no comments or suggestions. Thank you to IGCSE Coordinator, Dan Kearney, and the Secondary School team for setting up the exams in a such a professional manner and for the rest of the school for supporting the integrity of the process. We passed an exam whilst the students took one and we wish them the very same result!

We wish you an enjoyable weekend!

Leo Thompson