Happy 2025! It was an amazing week getting back into the groove of learning. We have enjoyed hearing about everyone’s holiday adventures, which all sounded fantastic and relaxing!

Upcoming Dates:
Sunday 19 January – Swimming starts again for boys
Monday 20 January – Swimming starts again for girls
Tuesday 21 January – School Photos (please wear ABIS top)
Thursday 23 January – Semester 1 reports sent out on Managebac
Thursday 23 January – Full payment for the Muscat Field Trip Due

This week in UOI, we continued looking into space. Students started their personal inquiries by identifying an area of space that they are interested in and created a Form and Change question relating to this topic. They used a Frayer Model graphic organiser to create a definition of their topic, facts and characteristics and translation to help support their understanding. We also looked at space discoveries that we use in our everyday lives. Did you know that wireless headphones and memory foam were created for astronauts? In Literacy, students are becoming familiar with elements of fiction stories using the story mountain to help plan their science fiction story. We looked at several science fiction space stories to get our imaginations flowing before starting the brainstorming process. In maths we revisited different multiplication strategies that we started learning before the break and practised with multiplying multi-digit numbers.

More photos from the week can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BxtFrTUt5n75TnDQYHZ0TmN9LvHqzITi?usp=drive_link

Looking forward to next week, students will continue their research for their personal space inquiries. In Literacy, students will delve deeper into their stories, carefully crafting each part being sure to add details to engage their reader. In Maths, students will review long divisions and begin to look at exponents.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Best Regards, Grade 5 Team!