It’s been a busy week for Grade 5 students. They started off the week as Banana Farmers. Each student had to ‘grow’ (draw) a banana to sell to Miss Rachel, who was the buyer for Ace Banana International Sohar (ABIS). Unfortunately for the farmers, they were unaware that there were some strict ‘Quality Control’ regulations, and only 3 of the farmers were successful in meeting the criteria. Each farmer had to put a suggested ‘price’ on their bananas, and the average price they asked for per banana was 0.813 OMR. As ABIS are the only buyers in Sohar, they decided to offer 0.050 OMR per banana. If the farmers weren’t happy, ABIS was going to buy from another class. The farmers each accepted their 50 baisa payment, and learned a valuable lesson about how the banana trade works!
During their learning about Fair Trade, and other initiatives that source ingredients responsibly, making sure farmers are paid a fair price, they became aware of how we can take action by buying products that carry a fair trade (or other) logo. Following on from last week’s learning about the journey of chocolate, students had chosen random, wrapped, chocolate bars. This week they got 2 lessons in one! For unit of inquiry, the wrappers were used to create a display about which bars of chocolate were fair trade, and which ones were not. This left each student with a bar of chocolate…
Time for Chocolate Fractions! During the pre-assessment on fractions, students had learned how important it was to divide fractions EQUALLY. They put their learning to the test as each group divided their chocolate bars into different fractions. They then had to write a fraction subtraction story to tell the story of their chocolate bar, which they then shared with a students from a different group.
In P.E. the new gymnastics unit started, and this was the final week of swimming for all students. Grade 5 will have a chance to enter the pool again on Wednesday 12th June for The Great Grade 5 Pool Party!
We wish you all a restful weekend, and best of luck to those students studying for next weeks Ministry Exams for Omani Social Studies, Islamic Studies and Arabic! Best wishes, Miss Rachel & Ms Khadija