What an enriching week it has been for our budding artists! Here’s a glimpse into their creative endeavors:

1. **KG 1 & 2**: Explored the wonders of the sea through craft, crafting beautiful seascapes.

2. **KG 2 & Grade 1**: Honored mothers with heartfelt cards created using printing techniques, a touching tribute to their love.

3. **Grade 2**: Completed vibrant self-portraits using markers, crayons, and colored pencils, showcasing their unique personalities on paper.

4. **Grade 3**: Finished their intricate drawings of Roman soldiers, capturing the essence of history with their artistic skills.

5. **Grade 4**: Embarked on a journey of imagination, creating flags for their imaginary countries, fostering creativity and national pride.

6. **Grade 5**: Explored the surreal world of Salvador Dali, completing self-portraits inspired by the renowned artist’s style, a testament to their appreciation of art history.

7. **Grade 6**: Delved into the realm of surrealism, bringing their dragons to life with graphite pencils in a style reminiscent of dreams and imagination.

As the week draws to a close, I wish all our students a wonderful weekend filled with inspiration and creativity. See you next week, ready to embark on new artistic adventures with renewed spirits!