It was so great to see so many of you at the 3 Way Conferences and we thank you all for your support and involvement in your child’s learning this year. We are so grateful to have all of your children in our Grade 5 community.
In Unit of Inquiry Grade 5 went on a Scavenger Hunt this week to find forces that are at work all around us. They also had a fun time this afternoon exploring simple machines and different components, to get some ideas that can be used to make their own Rube Goldberg machines.
In writing we started to explore character descriptions, looking at physical features (looks), characteristics (traits), and actions. In reading we were looking at the language used to describe characters, and Grade 5 also had a guest reader and started to look at figurative language, especially onomatopoeias, which will be very useful when we describe the sounds our machines make, and in maths we were rounding decimal numbers using place value on a vertical number line.
The BIG NEWS this week is the excitement about Oman Week! All students are expected to participate in the trip. Students were very happy to come up with ideas of how they could earn their money to allow them to pay for the trip ‘by themselves.’ Please do discuss ways that you could help them to make this happen.
As always if you have any questions, please get in touch! Have a great weekend. Team G5