Dear all,

This week Grade 4 was very busy! Special thanks to you all for supporting our students from home. More students are passing their spelling tests than ever! Almost all students are turning in homework weekly now! Congratulations to the following students for passing the Timed Multiplication Test today:

  • Ahmed Al FarsiĀ 
  • Yaqoob Kamshaki
  • Ahmed Al Breiki
  • Fatima Al Jabri (The first girl to pass the Timed Multiplication Test!!!!)

We finished our presentations on European Explorers and learned about how to use map scales to measure distance. Students learned how to convert different units of measurement and worked in teams to find the distance between different cities on a map.

Students learned how to identify dialogue tags and how to use quotation marks effectively when writing direct quotes. Students will rewrite their narratives and take them to the next level by adding dialogue now.

Please remember homework is due on Sunday. Please make sure students have it completed and ready to bring to school on Sunday. If students are confused about anything on their homework tell them to feel free to bring it to class and I will assist them. I am sending multiplication flash cards home with students who I feel need them for extra practice at home. If your child is struggling with multiplication please ask them if they received the flash cards.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Jaymz