Dear all,

This week flew by! Students took a deeper look at our Unit of Inquiry, “Where We Are In Place and Time.” Students did a good job of presenting basic information about the European explorer that they studied about. It has been a learning experience not just on the explorer, but how to give a good presentation and also how to summarize information and work with a partner to complete a project.

Students discovered more reasons for exploration and the consequences that were the result of exploration during our Reading classes. They were introduced to the Pilgrims and how they left England in the pursuit of religious freedom, but more than half died due to lack of food and fresh water as a consequence of their decision to explore the “New World.” Students were introduced to America’s backstory and how colonies formed with British colonists in search of land and riches and the effects this had on the indigenous Native American population.

In Math, Mrs. Ays taught the students about time. Students were able to work on using key vocabulary related to telling time in English. Also, they practiced how to read both analog and digital clocks.

Please make sure students have homework completed for Sunday. They should be reading on Raz-Kids and using the Nessy application to improve their spelling and reading skills. Last, please have them practice their basic multiplication facts as most students are still struggling to pass the time multiplication test. So far only 3 students have successfully passed the test.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Jaymz