Hello all,
We have reached our Term 3 break and the students are very excited about their vacation! Please make sure that students are reading on Raz-Kids or Epic 10-15 minutes each day. Also, please make sure they are practicing their multiplication tables. They should have memorized all their multiplication facts from 0-11.
I’m very impressed with how our students did with their “Design Your Own Country” Project. Students were very creative and really showed how much they have learned during this Unit of Inquiry. They were able to learn more about different types of governments, the government of Oman, and the rights and laws different types of governments use to organize their countries.
When we return we will begin our new Unit of Inquiry “Where We Are in Place and Time.” The central idea of this unit is exploration leads to discoveries, opportunities, and new understandings. Please feel free to discuss with your student and see what they know about early explorers and exploration in general.
I hope everyone has a safe and restful vacation.
Looking forward,