Dear parents,
Tonight we have the Community Dinner and I hope to see you here!
Next week on Monday we have the opening ceremony for the new school pergola which by a school-wide vote has been named “The Oasis”. We have invited the parent committee members, the board members, and the person responsible for the donation of materials and construction costs, Mr. Hendrik van Mierop, CEO of C.Steinweg Oman. Mr van Mierop generously provided ABIS with the means to create “The Oasis” and we are grateful for this wonderful donation. We also thank Mr. Peter Kopecky of Steinweg who organised the pergola materials to be delivered to ABIS. Parents are more than welcome to attend the ceremony at 8.00 am on Monday 23rd January.
This week we had morning teas for primary and secondary. It was good to see parents attending, and thanks to Matthew Richmond, our PYP coordinator, who delivered a presentation on the PYP to the parents.
Next week we have secondary camps and I look forward to hearing about all the activities the students will engage in. Grades 9 & 10 will depart from School at 7.50 AM on Monday 23rd January and will return to school at approximately 16.30 on Thursday 26th January. Grades 7 & 8 will depart school at 7.50 AM on Tuesday 24th January and will return at approximately 16.30 on Thursday 26th January.
On Monday, Grade 6 will be visiting the new Oman Aviation Academy located near Sohar airport. I visited the Aviation Academy on Sunday with Ms Zuweina and was impressed by the facilities. Thanks to Mr. Jose Luis and Mohammed Al Shanfari for making us welcome and agreeing to host our students.
Have a good weekend!
Dominic Robeau