Another great week has passed. When we closed today, the kids were excited about their learning and what is to come. As a teacher, that is always a good feeling. I am hoping everyone continues to read your student’s FMJ and provide a note back to them. Kids love receiving notes, feedback, responses, and suggestions. They cherish when they have an authentic audience. In fact, we have been blogging this week. While it is still new to us and we are on a learning curve, the kids are really enjoying it. As a special treat, Ms. Maeve visited our blog and responded to some kids’ work. It would be great if you could visit and do the same. The blog is only for our small community and before I post work to it, the student gives me permission. We are hoping to grow and use it as a learning tool for all. I have intentionally not posted any pictures, in hopes you will click and visit our classroom blog AND make comments, or pose questions. Enjoy the weekend. The kids worked hard this week and deserve some time off.