Dear parents and students,
Welcome back for Sunday, I hope you have had a good and relaxing break.
Given the rapid spread of Covid overseas, please check your child has no symptoms before sending to school. We have received the latest guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health:
Please note these definitions:
Please advise the school should your child have had close contact and of any Covid cases in your family.
On a similar note, it is recommended that cloth face masks are not used and instead surgical masks/N95/KN95 masks are used. According to health experts, using these masks provide better protection against Covid.

We will be returning to grade bubbles which means that students from different grades will not play together during break times. After-school activities (ASA’s) will continue as long as students are closely supervised, suitably distanced, and wear masks.

Should Covid cases rise in our ABIS community, we will seek advice from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health on whether we must go to online teaching. While we hope this will not happen, we have plans in place. Rest assured we will remain vigilant to ensure the safety and health of all our students and staff, and we ask for your support and cooperation.

We all look forward to seeing students back at school tomorrow.

All the best,

Dominic Robeau