Dear parents,

Welcome back from the summer holidays. I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and safe summer.

With the start of school next week, we contacted the Ministry of Education for any changes to the regulations. They informed us that until new regulations have been released, we must begin school online.

The question remains as to when schools will return face to face. We do know that the government is running an Oman wide vaccination campaign for all students aged 12 and above. This indicates that the government is determined to open schools and the next MOE announcement should provide clear dates for this to occur.

The school timetable will be issued to all parents and students and will also be on the school website this week. We are currently updating the Distance Learning website and this will be made available on Thursday 19 August.

Please take note of the following school timings:

Primary begins online Sunday 22 August: KG 1 – 2:  8.00 am – 1.00 pm, Grade 1 – 6:  8.00 am – 3.00 pm.

Secondary begins online Monday 23 August: Grade 7 – 12: 8.00 am – 3.00 pm.


We look forward to seeing everyone and starting the school year !

All the best,

Dominic Robeau