Grade 3M mornings are busy with some of our favourite GoNoodle movement activities. Students graduated to a new character having completed the allocated videos. We then have 15 to read from Raz-Kids with group readers enjoying a book together. Students are encouraged to read the book in their own time and completed the comprehension quiz.

Students have been challenged this week with work on fractions where they had to colour and label the fractions.

Rayan’s symmetrical robot was popular last week so here is another symmetrical robot, this one is designed by Ayyoub.

The class were excited about planning an end of grade celebration where we can play some games, present the certificates and invite Ms Maeve to read to us. Students made a list of things they needed to prepare for the event. They got creative and made an invitation to be sent to Ms Willis and Ms Khadija who have supported the class during online learning. The celebration will take place from 9am to 10am with certificates awarded at the end. If you can join the meeting that would be wonderful.

Last week photos were posted of the children working in their online spaces. These photos give a good insight into how prepared and engaged they are. I am always impressed at how independent the children have become, helping each other when problems arise.

If you have not collected your child’s envelope that contains books, work, their certificate and a little gift they can be collected from the tent. I wish you all an enjoyable weekend.


Mr Mike