Today marks the beginning of our 10-day holiday. The first day back will be on MONDAY 8 March: International Woman’s Day! There is no school on Sunday 7 March.
This week, we celebrated teacher day and we received so many warm wishes and expressions of gratitude from students and families. It is really wonderful to receive such thoughtfulness from our parent community. Thank you.
Mock exam results have been released for Grade 10 and Grade 12 parents. Please look for the email from ManageBac. You will need to log in to receive the report.
Please find time to sit out in the sun and enjoy the weather while it remains cool. Encourage you family to read some good books and share in some story telling. Designate a screen-free day or two and see how your relationships at home are affected
As you enjoy your holiday, please keep COVID safety as a high priority. Over the next week, please be sure to continue discussions about the importance of face masks and distancing. If you come in contact with anyone with symptoms this week, please plan to quarantine per the Supreme Committee guidelines. Together, our community can remain safe and healthy.
A few images from the arts studio…
and some grade 8 Wave experiments
and some fun hair going into the holiday