After weeks of planning, changing plans, and scrapping plans (thanks to the ever changing COVID regulations), our grade 11 had a successful Oman Week.

Goal: Create a 40 min. lesson to create awareness on the impact of trash in the ocean and how we can reduce it.
Audience: K3 (5 – 6 year old)

Here’s a short gist of each day

Day 1: Finish writing the script, gather props, and film for the video.
Day 2: Edit video, write a song and actions, create a poster, an activity, drawing sheets, and stickers. Get feedback on all the creations and make changes. Also, they worked on a detailed lesson plan.
Day 3: Presenting a lesson on a complicated global issue to 5 – 6 year olds is not an easy task. So, today was all about practice, improve, practice, improve, practice and improve.
Day 4: Present to one group of K3, debrief and make improvements, present a much improved version to another group of K3. Reflect on the entire process, with special emphasis on successes and challenges of working collaboratively, which is a lifelong skill and a CAS outcome.
Day 5: Update ManageBac portfolio and prepare a presentation to share about their CAS project with the rest of the secondary student body.

Overall, the students went through a range of emotions – the joys of creating something, frustration with challenges, self introspection and pride at completing a difficult task. I saw each student grow in confidence, self-awareness and awareness of others. Well done, grade 11. We are proud of you!