First the Grade 12s, then 9-12 and next week all Grades 1-12. We are so thrilled to have your children back.

Please be sure to review the return to school protocols before Sunday. Here are a few tips learned from our first days to help ensure a smooth transition back.

Please bring a few extra masks in case one breaks.

Please bring a headset or earbuds with a mic. Some children will still be at home, so we will still need to access Google Meets during the school day.

On PE days, students may wear their PE kit at school. There will be no access to changing rooms.

Bring a Hat and water bottle. We will allow controlled access to the sports field and outdoor basketball court for practice shooting during lunch; however, children will need a hat to access these areas.

Pack cold lunches. We are not able to offer microwaves for shared use for now.


Nov 12 – progress reports issued

Nov 16 & 17 – Three-way conferences. Registration coming next week.