We are very much looking forward to welcoming many of you back to school next week. We recognize that this is exciting but despite this students and parents will be nervous about the return to school. Please know that we have our health and safety plans well in place and I have attached some photos of the learning spaces for you. Some students will be continuing to learn online and we look forward to balancing online and face to face lessons. So much new learning for everyone.

The pathways around the school are clearly marked so students know which path to follow and how to move around the school. We will be sending more detailed photos over the weekend in regards to drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon. In an effort to keep these times running as smoothly as possible please adhere to the drop off and pick up times. This helps us to avoid a bottle neck at the entry and exit points.

Entry to classroom spaces is also clearly marked with one point entry and one point exit points. Each grade has its own entry and exit point to their learning space.

I can’t wait to see you on Sunday! Have a great weekend.