Dear parents,

This afternoon we received from the Ministry of Education the latest regulations for private schools to return to school.

These are the steps all private schools are required to take, including ABIS:

  1. KG 1-3 are not allowed to return to school.
  2. Grade 12 students may return to school effective Sunday November 1. Mr Jon Adams will be in contact with Grade 12 parents and students with further details.
  3. All schools are to provide a new report to the Ministry of Education for approval on its plans for grades 1 – 11. We will send this report to the Ministry of Education tomorrow. No timeline has been provided by the Ministry of Education for when approval will be given. Until it is approved, all private schools are to continue with online learning.
  4. The Ministry of Education allows all parents to choose either face to face learning or online learning when ABIS reopens through a signed agreement between parents and the school. If a student is registered by their parent for online learning, there will be a fixed period set by the school which cannot be changed. ABIS will send this agreement to parents for signature early next week. Please note that ABIS is committed to the best teaching and learning for our students who choose to come to school or stay at home for online learning.

Next week starting Sunday November 1, grades 1-11 will continue online. When the Ministry of Education provides approval for the opening of ABIS, we will immediately advise parents of a return date.

Thursday October 29 is a public holiday due to the Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) birthday anniversary.

Kind regards,

Dominic Robeau