The novelty of being back at school will only last for so long. We have settled into some routines – this means fewer technical surprises but we need parents to help us to be vigilant regarding student engagement. Here are a few behaviors that I have observed that are to be commended:

  • Transitioning from sitting to standing to stretch legs and refocus during class. In one case, the child even adjusted the camera to stay in the frame.
  • Taking a screenshot of an on-screen error and e-mailing it to the classroom teacher. Some children have difficulties connecting to the class meeting; sharing this immediately with the teacher is great… sharing this with Mr. Atul is even better (

And here are a few behaviors I observed this week that we would like parental help to discourage:

  • Leaving the camera off and not responding to the teacher’s direct questions (verbally or in the chat box). Teachers may contact parents as if the child were absent from class. You can support your child by reminding them to turn the camera on and be engaged in each lesson.
  • Stays at desk/table between classes and during breaks. We all need to take breaks. Help you child to remember the importance of walking around, getting a drink or snack and engaging in something else during their breaks.
  • Playing video games during class. Yes, this happened… on the bright side, at least the child had the camera on. If your child has access to a game console (or a personal device with games or any other similar distraction) in the same room where they study, the temptation is understandably very difficult to avoid. Consider moving the child’s study space to a public room where the temptation to engage is such distractions is reduced.


Thank you to all who came to the parent evening. If you were unable to attend for any reason, the recordings will be collected from the teachers and emailed to parents on Sunday.

Upcoming events:

  • Monday, 21 September 11:30 – Coffee Morning – come meet other parents and chat with Maeve, Jon and Michelle. Newsflash invite will go out next week.

And now for a bit of fun… 

popular internet meme: source unknown