This week has been full of exciting online learning. Grade 3M have worked very hard and adapted to this new way of learning. As a class with the help of Ms Khadija and Ms Liezel we have learnt many new skills using the iPad. Students are improving their photography skills in order to take a clear photo to share on Seesaw. Our class contract poster is now complete and is displayed as a reminder about how to conduct ourselves in order to achieve our best.

All students in Grade 3 contributed their hand and ideas.

The adjective art work is about finished. This was created as a way of expressing ourselves and connected to autobiographies and biographies. Each student thought of adjectives to describe themselves.

Adjective art by Sheiam

Thank you for involving the children in Dot Day. The outfits were very well thought out. We created some dotty art work on Seesaw using the various tools to great effect.

Dotty art work by Rana. She has signed the art work.

This week it is the turn of Rayan and Fatma to share their work spaces. Your special space will help you focus on your studies.

Raman’s study space.
Fatma’s study space.

We learnt the difference between between a biography and an autobiography. Students wrote a two word poem all about themselves, only two words were allowed for each line. The last line was ‘That’s Me!’

Two Word Autobiography by Al Muatasm

Congratulations on the completion of week 3 of online learning. Enjoy your weekend.