Dear parents and students,
I am very pleased to announce that ABIS has received permission to start the academic year next week. We will begin our teaching and learning via Distance Learning. Students will attend online classes according to their timetable.
To ensure a smooth transition to the start of the school year, the following will be the opening dates for the school:
Secondary School starts on Monday August 31, at 8.15 AM.
- An email will be sent by the grade advisor the day before with a link to the first Google meeting
- Attendance will be recorded for all classes
- Expect individual contact from your child’s advisor over the next week to make introductions and clarifications
Primary school starts on Tuesday September 1, at 8.20 AM.
- An email will be sent by the Homeroom teachers the day before
- Attendance will be recorded for all classes
- Expect individual contact from your child’s teacher over the next week to make introductions and clarifications
Please do read through your child’s grade level page on the Distance Learning website for the class timetable and further information: the password is parents
We are look forward to the start of the school year and seeing our students online.
All the best,
Dominic Robeau