Week 31 has been a very creative week for the students in Grade 3. Students were given the task of sorting through items of rubbish, such as glass, paper, card and plastic and thinking of different ways of sorting. The students rose to the challenge and discovered categories such as colour, size and what the item was made from.

Aidan thought carefully about his knowledge of materials.
After completing the rubbish sorting, Sam sorted his toy into categories.

The students wrote some great poems inspired by their favourite colour. This poem is by Maria. Blue looks like the sky during the day. Blue feels like ice. Blue tastes like fresh water. Blue is the smell after the rain. Blue sounds like a laser.

Red by Aidan
By Derin

Art this week was inspired by Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526 to 1593) an Italian painter best known for his portraits made entirely from objects such as fruit, vegetables and flowers. The compositions from the class were very creative.

By Rahaf
By Maria

To conclude our week the students met on line and had chance to catch up. We talked about superheroes and the powers they have. This was related to our home schooling where we are all superheroes adapting to a new situation and being kind and considerate to others.