Thank you to all of those parents who have been assisting their children with their online learning over the past week right from those in ECC through to those participating in Exhibition. We know that there have been some challenges with technology so we thank you for your patience and perseverance while we iron these out. We believe all is fixed now from our end so invite you to email your child’s teacher or Mr Atul if you are still experiencing difficulties.

We have had lots of positive feedback around the videos teachers are posting and the learning that students are engaged in. In return we have loved seeing the videos your children are posting of themselves engaged in Physical Education activities, Music and Dance along with reading their handwritten stories and completion of other set tasks.

For those of you with children involved in Exhibition, we know how challenging this time is to try and work in isolation when we began working in groups. This is a good time for our students to focus on their Approaches to Learning skills especially Communication (via technology), Thinking (as they put together their research) and the big one, Self Management! We look forward to seeing Thor final compilation of their learning and thank you for overseeing at home.

Some words from a grade 3 student:

Please also find below some tips on talking to your children about the virus and learning from home.