We would be grateful if you can take time to update your details with the school so we can update our records. We are finding many incorrect phone numbers and email addresses or out of date passports and ID cards.

Please email Eiman e.alrisi@abisoman.com or Zuweina z.abdulsalam@abisoman.com with the following information.

A copy of your passport (both parents) and both visas

A copy of both parents ID cards

A copy of students passport and visa page

A copy of students ID card

A copy of the students birth certificate

We need this data to input into the Ministry of Education’s portal. The ministry will not issue a transcript, to you without it, so it is very important for a copy these documents to be sent to us.

The school also needs this information on file for inspection purposes. It puts us in a difficult position without it. We also need correct email addresses and contact phone numbers.

Those who are leaving at the end of this year need not update their records.

Thanking you in advance.