Good morning.  It’s a busy time at ABIS! Here are a few notices for you today:

  1. Movie Night Tonight (500Bz entry): Primary students can bring a pillow and blanket along to watch Pete’s Dragon(PG) in the MPA from 6:00 – 7:45pm.  Grades 7 – 12 have The Iron Giant (PG) in LC1 at the same time.  Check posters around school for juice and snacks options (200Bz for each snack, secondary can preorder pizza)
  2. The Clothing Shop is open: Thursday 1st Dec 11 -1pm; Monday 5th Dec 7 -9am; Wednesday 7th Dec 12.15 – 1.30pm
  3. ASAs finish today.  Look out for the new ASA forms that students will bring home next week. Some ASAs fill quickly and places are allocated on a first come first served basis
  4. Car Parking: a reminder about how to use the school’s temporary car park area safely:
  • only park in the marked spaces provided
  • turn right as soon as you enter the car park as indicated by the arrow
  • drive slowly once entering the car park
  • do not exit where it says no exit
 To support the above, we will increase our supervision in this area. Thank you for respecting the safety of others!